Thursday, May 7, 2009


I was at the court today when I received news that five lawyers were detained for representing 14 other detainees in the police station. And one of them was my former colleague! My God! I was dumbstruck!

How can the police detain lawyers who are there to render assistance for the detainees? Is this what you call freedom for all? Why is it that every single words/criticisms uttered against the government is looked upon as a crime? Does freedom of speech really exist in this country?

I'm frustrated with the government, totally frustrated! Agreed that we are not having political crisis as in Sri Lanka or Thailand...agreed that we don't have racial riots as in India...agreed that we don't need to live in fear as in South Africa...but is that all that we need in life? Don't we need the freedom to choose our leaders? Don't we need the be given the right to criticise the government which we elect? Don't we have the rights to protest if the government is doing what is clearly wrong? Are we too naive and ignorant to waive these rights?

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